Roman Rivers Eng—ender/ineer Mixture
Views of a Photo/Carto–graphic Composite of Attention & Position on a long Walk, through a 100 Year Flood Plain, along River TEVERE, its tributary ANIENE, and points in b e t w e e n.
The book contains framed excerpts of 651 photographs exhibited ‘en masse at American Academy in Rome Open Studios in May 2016. All exhibited photos were stamped with number, time and position – marked by memory, attention, and references to the Picturesque lineage of the subject – and positioned onto 7 scrolls.
Walk accompanied by architect, JAMES HUEMOELLER, for 38.11 kilometers (23.86 miles) from the AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME to PONTE MAMMOLO METRO STATION on October 8, 2015, from 8:30AM to 5:30PM.
Here “Mixture” refers to Uvedale Price’s definition of the “Picturesque” as an aesthetic of appealingly wild – at times uncomfortable – groupings and imbrications of different, possibly irreconcilable, things, including uncertainty, decay, and disparate cultural artifacts. Avoiding its use here acknowledges that the word Picturesque – meant by Price to describe an aesthetic cateogory daring in its rambunctious middle-ness – may never fully be recuperated from its retrograde associations with fixed, stereotypical, images of 17th and 18th century English and Italian landscapes.
Fellows’ Open Studios and Reading Group Show, American Academy in Rome, June 8, 2016
Book in development.
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