Feast of the Picturesque, Act X. Porto di Ripetta, Tevere
The embankments in Rome constructed in the 1870s introduced a different kind of river and city edge; the only remnant of the “old” Tiber remains when we cross bridges, where we savor the long views, but it remains dislocated from a languishing public realm. Recovering the traditions of Rome in crafting elegant movement, physically, visually, and spiritually with a recuperation of the Picturesque ideas of mixture, power and wholeness, Feast of the Picturesque, Act X, is a interventions to awaken the river in the citys’ conciousness. Placed at the end of an eon of Tevere “acts,” an animated architecture model stages a new and antique composition of space, time and movement. At minimum, the aim is to create easy transversal physical and visual links between the city fabric and River without disrupting the fundamental modern infrastructure of the levee or the Lungotevere.Exhibited:
Cinque Mostre 5 – Across the Board: Parts of a Whole, curated by Ilaria Gianni, American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy, February – April 2016
Landscape Architecture Magazine, October 2018

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