LML Owens Lake Field Unit
The exhibition combines a speculative interactive Owens Lake co-design machine (that prints postcards of your designs) with detailed site investigations. The exhibit is located across from Swansea, CA, a historic outpost of the Cerro Gordo mine (and former docking point), and is about 15 minutes from Lone Pine, CA and the 395.The exhibit has been updated for this year’s opening.
Spring 2023 Season
May 27 & 28, 10-5PM
Center For Land Use Interpretation Swansea Information
Location: Swansea, California, on Highway 136, four miles north of Keeler, and approximately 200 miles north of Los Angeles
Just a 2 minute walk from the road. There will be a docent (and myself) present on the property (which is also a small ghost town).

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